
The adventure of a twin

So i was at the hair salon chit-chatting about this and that when a sweet girl also named Casey, (but with a C of course) asked what creative things I was working on these days. I went on to tell her about the furniture I was working on and long story short, the TWIN was born!

Now if any of you have looked at the about me section you will know that I have TWINS... Adelyn and Briar. These are not the "TWIN" I am talking about in this post(though I do love to talk about them when they're not around). I found this Twin at my FAVE Goodwill store right after our furniture discussion previously mentioned.

Now I would like to note that I was so excited about this project that I forgot to take a picture before the paint was put on but you get the idea from this glance.


Now you can totally see where I need to put stain in a few places where I wiped too much off, but I am totally digging it! What you think?

Now, I gotta run, the twins are "bumping on the trampoline"... thank goodness we have a net!



Oh to sew...

I have become completely enamored with Miss Mustard Seed. I thinks she is creative, cool, cooky and a bit silly! All these traits I completely admire. It's true. I watched all 6 of the Slipcover Video Series on Friday afternoon while the girls were napping. Gosh, I think it only took maybe 45 minutes. I took a short list of notes...

Once all my krazy children the girlies were in bed, about 9:30, I got busy! I started ripping, pinning, cutting and sewing. I didn't do piping this time 'round; just didn't have enough cording. Jacobaby was shocked I think by what I had completed by the time we went to bed (about 1:30 am).

I think I'm completely in LOVE with how my little love seat turned out. It is just gorgeous.

I also made this cute little pillow...

come back to see this beautiful girl I got to photograph this weekend.


Linkin' up
Furniture Feature Fridays


Chalk Paint Love...

Be still my heart! Annie Sloan, you are a genius!!

Yesterday was a glorious day! I received my chalk paint and did not wait to get started painting. I have been wanting to see if this "paint" would really work on a wood piece with varnish. However, the wax I ordered was held up in customs so all i got yesterday was paint. But oh how beautiful it was...

Provence Blue

here she is...


I found her all alone except for the record player she was holding up...
SO SAD! I know!

The sales lady said that she had reduced the price because most people that even glaced at her (the table) would pass her up "cause she had a few scuff marks...

The nerve of those people. Thank goodness though. I will give her new life.

Here she is all painted up. As you can clearly see i also found a few paint free objects to cover in that glorious Provence blue.

So I will be finishing her up shortly. We have horrible wind/sand storms here in West Texas... how I long for summer!


Welcome to Junkie Love!

I am so glad you decided to take a look at my blog about junk! Yes I said it, J.U.N.K. Most of every piece of "JuNK" I pick up and decide I am going to give a new life to most would consider crap!! So sad I know. The usual response is, "you paid for that?" So after today I am going to show the world, (well as many of you that will look) what I am made of!! Thanks for joining in on my journey to become the best JUNK junkie I can be!!

all my Junkie love, Kasey