

I got a call from my sweet friend Lisa asking if I'd like to take some pictures of her sister-in-law Paige who was due to get married in the next few weeks. Of course I wanted to, but I was a bit hesitant with how crazy of life has been and will be in the near future. Reluctantly, I said yes and I am so glad I did! Take a look at the beautiful bride...

What a gorgeous Bride you will be! 
Congratulations Paige!


What a giveaway!! Molly Susan Strong is hosting a giveaway from Wonderfaux Studios! Please don't enter so I can win!



Karla at Home

Karla is a wonderful women having an awesome giveaway of Annie Sloan Wax! I am so excited. I 
"N E V E R" win but I have a good feeling about this giveaway!


Birthdays, Birthdays and more Birthdays

May is such a busy month for my family. We celebrate birthdays all month, which can be exhausting! On the bright side every May 8th, my oldest daughter Konleigh, turns another year older. This year she is turning 8! Wow, I can't believe that! She was such a lovely, smart, happy little lovie!

 Unfortunately, I didn't have a digital camera when she was a baby. Which means that most of her baby pics are in actual photographs... I will convert them some day!! I will I say!
Nonetheless, this is my gorgeous Koko on her 5th birthday. 
Isn't she a doll? I sure love this kid!

On her 6th birthday...

Your dad and I love you so very much!
To the moon...


Tomorrow I'll let you take a peek at the precious girl eating chocolate cake from her fave mexican fast food restaurant. Yes, I deserve mother of the year award!! 

Sweet Dreams!



Easter 2011

So I have been avoiding anything about how our Easter was and I think only a picture could truely explain how the day was.

I hope you understand...


The adventure of a twin

So i was at the hair salon chit-chatting about this and that when a sweet girl also named Casey, (but with a C of course) asked what creative things I was working on these days. I went on to tell her about the furniture I was working on and long story short, the TWIN was born!

Now if any of you have looked at the about me section you will know that I have TWINS... Adelyn and Briar. These are not the "TWIN" I am talking about in this post(though I do love to talk about them when they're not around). I found this Twin at my FAVE Goodwill store right after our furniture discussion previously mentioned.

Now I would like to note that I was so excited about this project that I forgot to take a picture before the paint was put on but you get the idea from this glance.


Now you can totally see where I need to put stain in a few places where I wiped too much off, but I am totally digging it! What you think?

Now, I gotta run, the twins are "bumping on the trampoline"... thank goodness we have a net!



Oh to sew...

I have become completely enamored with Miss Mustard Seed. I thinks she is creative, cool, cooky and a bit silly! All these traits I completely admire. It's true. I watched all 6 of the Slipcover Video Series on Friday afternoon while the girls were napping. Gosh, I think it only took maybe 45 minutes. I took a short list of notes...

Once all my krazy children the girlies were in bed, about 9:30, I got busy! I started ripping, pinning, cutting and sewing. I didn't do piping this time 'round; just didn't have enough cording. Jacobaby was shocked I think by what I had completed by the time we went to bed (about 1:30 am).

I think I'm completely in LOVE with how my little love seat turned out. It is just gorgeous.

I also made this cute little pillow...

come back to see this beautiful girl I got to photograph this weekend.


Linkin' up
Furniture Feature Fridays


Chalk Paint Love...

Be still my heart! Annie Sloan, you are a genius!!

Yesterday was a glorious day! I received my chalk paint and did not wait to get started painting. I have been wanting to see if this "paint" would really work on a wood piece with varnish. However, the wax I ordered was held up in customs so all i got yesterday was paint. But oh how beautiful it was...

Provence Blue

here she is...


I found her all alone except for the record player she was holding up...
SO SAD! I know!

The sales lady said that she had reduced the price because most people that even glaced at her (the table) would pass her up "cause she had a few scuff marks...

The nerve of those people. Thank goodness though. I will give her new life.

Here she is all painted up. As you can clearly see i also found a few paint free objects to cover in that glorious Provence blue.

So I will be finishing her up shortly. We have horrible wind/sand storms here in West Texas... how I long for summer!


Welcome to Junkie Love!

I am so glad you decided to take a look at my blog about junk! Yes I said it, J.U.N.K. Most of every piece of "JuNK" I pick up and decide I am going to give a new life to most would consider crap!! So sad I know. The usual response is, "you paid for that?" So after today I am going to show the world, (well as many of you that will look) what I am made of!! Thanks for joining in on my journey to become the best JUNK junkie I can be!!

all my Junkie love, Kasey